Attending were Wayne Kopp, Arnie Walker. Mike Kirkby, Ken Krejci, Jack McDonough, Dave Freni and Will Lowe. Absent was Jack Gjeldum .
The meeting was called to order at 11:57am.
A motion was made by Wayne Kopp, second by Ken and all in favor to accept the July 25 meeting minutes.
Will Lowe presented everyone with a copy of information for online registration for us to discuss for the 2023 season. Will agreed to provide at the next BOD meeting a draft of the Registration Notice incorporating verbiage stating that Bradenton Senior Softball will be going Paperless and Cash Free starting in the 2023 Winter Season. Payment via Credit Card thru Paypal would be required as a condition of registration.
All board members are to look over the dates we used last year and decide on dates for this coming year for reg., drafts, ect. It was decided we will have on site ( at the field) registration available for those that do not have a computer. This can be done on smart phones, and everyone should have a smart phone.
We voted to have Jack Gjeldum revise the financials to read one year as noted to a 5 year contract for Magic Jack ( our Hot Line service) Mike made motion, 2nd by Freni and all in favor.
Wayne will make any necessary calls to Buckey’s daughter when needed.
It was decided to set all BSS board meetings for the 3rd Monday of every month.
The next meeting was set for October 17 after the Monday games at the Elks.
With no further business a motion was made by Jack M., 2nd by Arnie and all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 12:49PM.