Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – July 25, 2022

Attending were Wayne Kopp, Arnie Walker. Mike Kirkby, Ken Krejci, Jack McDonough, Dave Freni, Todd Gillenwater and Jack Gjeldum ( by phone).

Todd Gillenwater has been working with Russ Warren to learn working with PayPal and our web site so we have a back up for Russ.  Todd asked the question if a player shows up late for the games -can he/she play.  Depending on when they arrive and if they could call and inform us when they will be there, BSS will accommodate getting them to play at least the second game.

Jack McDonough made a motion, second by Ken, all in favor to accept the minutes of the last meeting.

Jack Gjeldum gave the status of our finances and we are in good standing.  Wayne made a motion, Arnie 2nd and all in favor to approve.  We have set our 3rd quarter fees at $30.   We encourage everyone to use the Pay Pal form of payment on our Web Site.

We have decided to put a patch on the right side of all the shirts for next year memorializing our founding father Lloyd Grantham.  A motion was made by Mike Kirkby to accept, 2nd by Arnie and all in favor.

It was discussed about changing the age limit for women to 55 for entering the league.  A motion not to change was made by Jack M. ,2nd by Ken and all in favor.  It was discussed to allow any bat (that has not been altered) to be used in any league.  It was discussed to use the same .44/#375 balls in all the leagues.  We will continue to use the .52/#300 balls until our supply is depleted.  A motion on the change in bats and balls were made by Wayne and 2nd by Mike K. and all were in favor.

A motion was made by Arnie, 2nd by Jack M. and all in favor to accept the updated rule changes presented to the board from the Rules Committee.  The latest rules will be posted on the web site for both leagues.

Ken will have cotton Bradenton Senior Softball shirts on sale at the games for a $5 purchase.  We will purchase 2 doz. BSS hats (price to be determined) for sale as well.  A motion to have the board purchase and be reimbursed as the hats are sold was made by Jack Gjeldum, 2nd by Wayne and all in favor.

A proposal of four items by Ray Mascaro were presented to the board for discussion.  Two of the proposals were already in play from last April 2021 meeting results.  We decided to have further discussion on board election procedures.  The board did vote on not setting an age limit for board members.  A motion was made by Wayne, 2nd by Dave Freni and all in favor.

Mike Kirkby made a request by a player to stay at Palma Sola, Wayne will call Paige Eddens to get an update on the status of GT Bray.  The status of where we will be playing in August will be posted on the web and on the Hot Line when we know.

The next meeting was set for August 29 after the Monday games.

With no further business a motion was made by Wayne, 2nd by Jack M. and all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 2:59PM.


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