Attending were Wayne Kopp, Arnie Walker. Mike Kirkby, Ken Krejci, Jack McDonough, Dave Freni, Jack Gjeldum, Russ Warren and Will Lowe.
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM.
A motion was made by Mike Kirkby, second by Ken and all in favor to accept the Sept 5 meeting minutes.
We have set the start date of Nov 14 for registration for the 2023 season. The end date for registration will be Nov 28 at 6:00pm. The first email will be sent out on Oct 31, with the 2nd email on Nov 7 to players of record. This year everyone will be required to pay for the season (Jan – Mar) after they register. The cost will be $45. The draft date for the Thursday American League will be on Monday Dec 5. The draft date for the Tuesday League will be Thursday Dec 8. The draft date for the Monday League will be on Monday Dec 12. The draft date for the Thursday National League will be Thursday Dec 15. The league Coordinators will be responsible for contacting players that do not get drafted for the Leagues they selected.
Will Lowe and Jack McDonough will be available AFTER THE GAMES at the field for those that were unable to register online on Nov 14, 17 and 21.
Access to the “sheets” for player information will be limited to Wayne, Jack Geldum, Ken, Will Lowe and Jack McDonough.
Ken and Jack Gjeldum will need to coordinate the rating system and player payments after the closing of the Nov 28 registration. Remember “ you must pay to play”.
Wayne to verify the 2023 field costs with Paige Eddens.
Will Lowe to check on the possible problem with using an Android phone for accessing our web site.
Jack Gjeldum presented our treasurer’s report and we are in good standing. A motion was made by Jack McDonough, 2nd by Ken and all were in favor of accepting.
We decided to keep the sponsor fees at $150. Ken feels we are set with sponsors since we probably be expanding the number of teams on Tuesday and Thursday American Leagues.
It was decided there will be a fee of $20 for subs.
The rules committee will be asked to change the rules- that a sub player be first used from the bye team, then if not available it will then be used from the sub list.
We have decided to leave the starting time at 10:00am for November. We will decide on going back or keeping 10:00 in December.
The next meeting was set for Nov 28 after the Monday games at the Elks.
With no further business a motion was made by Jack M., 2nd by Wayne and all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 2:49PM.
Most of the leagues I play in that allow subs have the bye-team rule. Will the sub have to be the same or lower rating than the player being replaced?