Attending were William Lowe, Paul Wilson, Arnie Walker, Wayne Kopp, Lloyd Grantham, Jack McDonough and Ken Krejci
First order of business was to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Ken Krejci made a motion to approve, second by William all in favor. The financial report was the same as last meeting. All bills have been paid. We are in good financial standing. We have not been charged for using the Blackstone facilities.
The status on the fields at GT Bray are the same as before- they are hoping to allow us to use 2 of the 4 fields by November. Wayne and Lloyd will set up a meeting with Paige Eddens to get some answers for our questions on equipment storage, payments, etc. Ken and Will are working on a preliminary survey to all the active ball players to get a feel of who will be playing this fall and spring. We are looking to send out the survey by Oct 1 and have the reply by Oct 16.
Will said we need to purchase some new scoreboards (Homeplate field location). Paul will line them when purchased.
Ken to call Dan Shipley of Sun City to set up a game.
The next meeting was scheduled for Oct 20 at 1:00pm at the Elks. With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:47 PM with a motion made by Arnie and a 2nd by Wayne with all in favor.
Nice job with the website. As info, I did not receive a survey sent out October 1. No big deal. Just want to make sure the league has my email address provided below. I won’t make decision to play until December. See how things look covidwise at that time. Best wishes and good health to all the players!!