Attending were William Lowe, Paul Wilson, Arnie Walker, Wayne Kopp, Lloyd Grantham, Jack McDonough and Ken Krejci
First order of business was to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Ken Krejci made a motion to approve, second by William all in favor.
The financial report was the same as last meeting. All bills have been paid. We are in good financial standing.
William purchased the Microsoft Access program for Jack McDonough and he has it for back- up for our info.
We discussed the need for estabilishing proper guidelines and procedures for when we return to practice and playing ball. Manatee has set the need to maintain 10 players per field, and you will need to bring your own seating to maintain proper distancing. IF SOMEONE KNOWS THEY HAVE THE VIRUS – THEY MUST INFORM THE LEAGUE IMMEDIATELY TO PROPECT EVERYONE INVOLVED.
We are checking into the use of the Palma Sola fields as well as the fields at Blackstone ( which have larger and better facilities). This decision will be made as well as the dates set when we get further info from Manatee County.
The status on the fields at GT Bray are the same as 45 days ago- patheticly inept progress.
The next meeting was not scheduled since we hope to get more info soon. With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:20 PM with a motion made by Wayne and a 2nd by Jack with all in favor.