Attending were Lloyd Grantham, William Lowe, Paul Wilson, Wayne Kopp, Barb Lowe and Ken Krejci. Absent were Jack McDonough and Arnie Walker.
First order of business was to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Lloyd made a motion to approve, second by Ken all in favor.
The financial report showed we are in good financial standing. We have paid $600 for using the 2 fields at the Blackstone facilities for Nov/Dec.
Wayne and Lloyd went to GT Bray to talk directly to the construction supervisor to get a better feel on the field status. The codes were changed on the backstops, which have caused a delay in the construction schedule as well as increased the price. The schedule is for one SB field and one BB field to be completed the week of Dec 23 and one set of fields every 7 days later for the next 3 weeks. Lloyd will check on the status of Palma Sola.
It was established the league coordinators will be responsible to make up the drafted nametags for their boards to help William with the work load. A training session will be set up by William to show how to accomplish the necessary work. Mike Kirkby and Mike Mancuso will be invited to the next board meeting.
Will and Russ have done their testing of the system and are confident with the results. Will has transported the data into the Access system and Jack will have the back up for Will.
It was established William will send out the registration forms on Nov. 23 and expect them to be returned between Dec. 4th thru the 14th. We will have early registration at the field as well. Our draft will not be done until the first week of January due to uncertainty of the number of players available. Since we may have reduced teams in the leagues this year, there may be less sponsors required. If so, we will take the managers that have obtained sponsors first, then if a relative has a sponsor next and then oldest sponsors first in line as a third criteria.
A motion was made by Wayne, 2nd by Will and all in favor to supply (2) blue shirts each for the umpires to wear.
The next meeting was scheduled for Dec 15 at 1:00pm at the Elks. With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:25 PM with a motion made by Will and a 2nd by Paul with all in favor.
Thanks for all the fun and sportsmanship over the last number of years. Due to the covid situation I will not be travelling to Bradenton this winter. Hopefully things will be back to so called normal next year. To all, have fun and enjoy. I will be thinking of all I am missing this winter. Hope to see you next year.