Attending were Lloyd Grantham, William Lowe, Paul Wilson, Wayne Kopp, Jack McDonough, Arnie Walker, Barb Lowe and Ken Krejci.
First order of business was to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Lloyd made a motion to approve, second by Jack all in favor.
The financial report showed we are in good financial standing.
Lloyd will get a daily report on the construction at GT Bray (it appears we will be opening the season on January 11, 2021). We will plan on having the Thursday National (Recreational League) games played at Palma Sola.
We had 127 players sign up for 2021, with 66 for Monday with 5 teams, Tuesday with 52 with 5 teams, 65 for Thursday American with 5 teams and 49 for Thursday National 4 teams. Russ deactivated the registration on the Web site – therefore any late applications will have to go thru William Lowe.
The Tuesday Draft will be done on January 4 (Arnie), Thursday American (competitive) will be held on Jan 5 ( Mancuso), Thursday National (recreational) will be Jan 6 ( Kirkby) and Monday Draft will be on Jan 7(Wayne) all at 9:00am at GT Bray. Lloyd will notify Paige Eddens for the use of GT Bray for those days. Each League draft will be held with the respective managers participating.
All players will be required to fill out an updated info sheet and hand into Barb Lowe.
We need at least 4 more sponsors for this season.
The next meeting date was set for Jan 19 at 11:00am at the Elks. With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:20 PM with a motion made by Lloyd and a 2nd by William with all in favor.
Do we need to be at the draft ? Will we be contacted by Email what team we are on?
When do practices start. (Hitting practice, etc).
This is my first year in senior ball. Played softball for years in Michigan, Ohio, Florida and Indiana.
Do we require baseball pants?
Drafts will be help next week. You will be contacted by your manager. Practices are held Saturdays (our web site has all this information).
Batting practice is held on Saturday mornings, starting at 8:30 am, at the Buffalo Creek ball diamond (closest to the Middle School). If it is occupied, we will try to be on the football field directly behind it. If that is taken, we will try to be on one of the Little League fields. (parking for those fields are accessed through the driveway to the golf course. )
Baseball pants are not required
Here is a map to the Buffalo Creek Park
Please call the rain out number ( 301-4129) after 7:20 am Saturday to confirm that BP is scheduled!
Hello. I would like to join a team. Please provide me information on how to become a teammate.
Hello Frank
You will need to contact William Lowe @ 941-351-3897.