Attending were Wayne Kopp, Dave Boyle, Arnie Walker. Mike Kirkby, Jack Gjeldum (by phone), Ken Krejci, Dave Freni, Marc During, John DeClemente, Russ Warren, Will Lowe and Greg Lewandowski.
The meeting was called to order at 1:11 PM.
A motion was made by Wayne Kopp, second by Mike Kirkby and all in favor to accept the Oct, 26, 2023 meeting minutes.
We decided to have the TAL League to have 5 teams with 12 players per team in 2024. The TNL League to have 5 teams with 14 players per team. The Tuesday League 5 teams with 12 players per team. The Monday League to have 7 teams with 13 players per team. The League Coordinators were all in agreement with this decision. Therefore we will play with 22 teams ( and have 22 sponsors).
TAL LC- Greg Lewandowski, TNL LC – John DeClemente, Tuesday LC – Arnie Walker, Monday LC – Marc During. Managers will report to their respective League Coordinators. Players will report to their respective managers.
The TAL League will have managers Wayne Kopp, Ken Krejci, Arnie Walker, Darryl Triesch, and comanagers John Yeakle/Collin Haught. The TNL League will have Mike Kirkby, Ed Pugh, Angelo Lombardo, Jim Kaskey, and Russ Markovic. The Tuesday League will have Dave Freni, Greg Lewandowski, Ken Krejci, Vinny Uliano and Bob Hall as managers. The Monday League will have John DeClemente, Angelo Lombardo, Russ Markovic, Ed Pugh, Mike Mancuso, Jon Vruggink and Dave Boyle.
It was decided to shut down any new players from registering for the 2024 season. Only new players can sign up as subs. It was established that during the season if a player or players are injured and no longer can play on their team, the League Coordinator may replace him/her from the sub list with a permanent position with the same rating.
Will Lowe will keep the hard copies of players for the 2022 season. The 2023 and 2024 season will be kept electronically by Jack Gjeldum. Will Lowe expressed the need for board members to be able to register players at the field, other than just him. Thanks to Will for handling 2023 registrations. Jack Gjeldum will continue to handle 2024 registrations. Thanks to Will, Jack and Russ for the tremendous job they have done and putting up with my many changes.
Russ said we had 172 players registered for 2024. It was very time consuming for both Will and Russ because players didn’t read the emails and directions for proper registration of players. Since we put the shirt size on the registration form this year, we will see how that helped or added to the confusion and additional work.
We will provide a registration sheet to both John DeClemente and Ken Krejci for new players that have not signed the waiver sheet and attend batting practice.
Dave Freni still needs to contact the umpires that are willing to umpire this year. Anyone wanting to umpire or knowing of anyone that would like to umpire, please contact Dave Freni at 202-805-1583.
Dave Freni updated the board on changes suggested to the rules committee. The board will vote at the next meeting on the proposals.
It was decided to begin league play on Tuesday January 2 (for the Tuesday League), Monday January 1 will be pick up games for anyone who wants to play. January 4 will be the start of the TAL (Thurs American League – played at GT Bray fields) and TNL (Thursday National League – played at the Palma Sola fields).
It was decided that Wayne and Jack Gjeldum would only have the ability to make changes to the Google Sheets Excel spread sheet, but the board and League Coordinators would have access to view.
Jack Gjeldum gave the financial report and the league is in good financial standing.
It was discussed that it would make better sense in the registration process next year to eliminate the return email to the player registering and have him pay at the time of registration. This would eliminate an additional step and confusion for everyone involved.
Wayne thanked the board, the League Coordinators, Will Lowe and Russ Warren for putting in many hours putting the registration process in action and maintaining Bradenton Senior Softball. All players should be thankful for the many hours that are put in by all these people.
It was decided that the next meeting date TBD.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:52PM with a motion by Ken Krejci, 2nd by Arnie and all in favor.