Attending were Paul Wilson, Wayne Kopp, Arnie Walker. Mike Kirkby, Ken Krejci,and Jack Gjeldum and Jack McDonough was absent.
Jack Gjeldum gave the status of our finances and we are in good standing. Ken made a motion, Arnie 2nd and all in favor to approve. We encourage everyone to use the Pay Pal form of payment on our Web Site
Jack Gjeldum suggested changing our 1st quarter fees for new players to $25. Mike Kirkby made a motion to approve, second by Ken Krejci, all in favor. Wayne will ask Russ to change the fee on our web site. It was also asked if Russ can make it a two button usage, one for PayPal and one for Credit Card to avoid confusion.
Jack Gjeldum presented the move to rename the field #1 after Lloyd Granthum. Wayne will call Lloyd to inform him and hopefully help cheer him up after his surgery.
The discussion was made on our umpire situation to use the 3 present umpires for the Thursday American League at GT Bray and back fill with players that volunteer from the bye team. It is important that the bye team managers ask their respective players to sub or umpire.
The Thursday recreational League, run by John DiClemente will be reduced to 5 teams this year, due to the loss of players able to fill the teams necessary to play. Mike Kirkby and Angelo Lombardo have agreed to dissolve their respective teams. We will assign players on both teams to the remaining 5 teams. The schedules will be revised accordingly. We will take team pictures February 3rd before we dissolve the two teams. There will be a meeting after the games on Monday by the managers to discuss the dissolving of the Thursday National League teams and addressing the same problems on the Monday League. (A meeting was called by Wayne Kopp Monday 1/31/2022 and a revision was made to the above decision for the Thursday National League. Only one team, Edleweise-manager Mike Kirkby, will be eliminated. There will be a redistribution of those team players by John Diclemente. There will be no Bye team each week because of the reduction to 6 teams. John will redo the schedule and give to the managers and Russ will repost on our web site).
Ken Krejci brought up the subject of trying to get everyone to use PayPal, the use of electronic signatures, moving the TNL to Wednesdays next year ( Wayne will talk to Paige or Marcus if this is possible) and rating all ballplayers. This was tabled for the next meeting.
The next meeting will be at a later date after the changing of teams/players for the Thursday National League. A motion by Wayne, 2nd by Arnie Walker, and all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 1:38PM.