Attending were Wayne Kopp, Arnie Walker. Mike Kirkby, Ken Krejci, , Dave Freni, Jack Gjeldum ( phone), Mike Mancuso, John DiClemente and Will Lowe. Jack McDonough was absent.
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM.
A motion was made by Arnie, second by Ken and all in favor to accept the Oct 17 meeting minutes.
William Lowe told the board he is stepping down as the person who takes care of the registration, player info and many other duties he has performed over the years. We all want to thank him for a superb job he has done. The board will be looking for someone as a replacement. Will will finish out the 2023 player info. We need to actively look for a replacement or replacements so he can train the new candidates.
Will showed us the new player boards for the teams that will have the markers clipped to each board.
We have decided to move back our drafts due to time restriants, that will allow the league coordinators and managers to have the necessary info they need to set up their respective teams. We will now do the Thursday American draft on Thursday Dec 8. The Tuesday League draft will be on Monday Dec 12. The Monday League draft will be on Thursday Dec 15 and the Thursday National League draft will be held on Monday Dec 19. All drafts will begin after the games, at the GT Bray gym building room.
John DiClemente’s Thursday National League will have 5 teams with 14 players/team. There will be no absorption from the Thursday American or the Tuesday Leagues. The Monday League coordinator, Mike Kirkby will have 6 teams with 13 players/team. The Tuesday League coordinator, Arnie Walker will have 5 teams with 12 players/team. The Thursday American League coordinator, Mike Mancuso will have 7 teams with 11 players/team.
Ken feels he will have enough sponsors for the 22 teams we will have. We should have enough managers for all 22 teams as well.
We have decided to set the starting times for league play at 9:30 am starting in January. We will continue our December starting times at 10:00am.
Jack G. gave the financial report and we will have enough monies to pay for all the team shirts, equipment, fields and balls. We will purchase a cart for the Thursday National League at Palma Sola.
Wayne and Mike Kirkby will do an inventory of our equipment and determine if there are any repairs that may be required.
Jack Gjeldum asked for our policy on guys being co-managers, and how it affected the draft. There is no problem, but that manager must use the rating of the co-manager as his pick in the draft.
It was decided that sub players will pay $20 to play for the winter season. This will be collected manually since there will only be a few subs. We will not use PayPal for subs.
The next meeting will be set after we have the drafts.
With no further business a motion was made by Arnie and 2nd by Wayne and all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 3:06 pm.