Attending were Russ Warren ( as guest), William Lowe, Paul Wilson, Ken Krejci, Arnie Walker, Wayne Kopp, X, Lloyd Grantham and Barb Lowe, Jack McDonough was absent.
First order of business was to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Ken Krejci made a motion to approve, second by Lloyd Grantham, all in favor.
The financial report was given by Barb. We paid for the repair of the 5 screens at $421.30, purchased new softballs but have not paid for the fields as of yet. We are in good financial standing.
The registration went well with over 158 players (we were down by 5 from last year). We had good participation for “at the field” registration this year. We will look at further improvements for next year. Mike Kirkby will contact his Thursday managers to survey his players on moving to Wednesday next year.
Lloyd will contact the Golden Corral for setting our banquet on the 3rd week in March ( Friday 20th). We will try to maintain the same pricing as last year after Lloyd gets a cost.
We agreed to purchase 8 Ball/Strike clickers (metal – $8/ea.) for the umpires. Paul to purchase.
We discussed the updating of the rules and procedures with Will. He will make the necessary updates as discussed. Further discussions on the attachments will be made.
The next meeting was set for February 13, 2020.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:05 PM with a motion made by Wayne and a 2nd by Will with all in favor.