Board Meeting Minutes – Feb 13, 2020

Bradenton Senior Softball Association

Feb 13, 2020 12:10 PM


Attending were Russ Warren ( as guest), William Lowe, Paul Wilson, Ken Krejci, Arnie Walker, Wayne Kopp, Lloyd Grantham ,Barb Lowe, and Jack McDonough.

First order of business was to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Wayne Kopp made a motion to approve, second by Paul Wilson, all in favor.

The financial report was given by Barb.  All bills have been paid.  We are in good financial standing. We have decided to thank Sharon Spry at the banquet for her family’s generous donation in honor of Howard.

Lloyd has contacted the Golden Corral for setting our banquet on the 13th of March ( Friday).  We will maintain the same pricing as last year of $6/person.  Arnie will make the certificate awards after Ken and John tabulate the results of the voting for the banquet.

William brought up the fact that he uses MICROSOFT Access to do spreadsheets.  Arnie will receive this info from Will since he has access, therefore we will have a back up in case of future failure.

We discussed the updating of the general rules and procedures that Will presented.  He will send to Russ to post on the web site.  Arnie will send the Tues./Thurs rules to Russ to post as well on our web.

We decided that there is no need to be concerned about the construction at the GT Bray fields for this season. 

Russ got a price of $118.47 for our Go Daddy web site per year.  A motion was made by Wayne , second by William and all were in favor.

Paul Wilson to talk to Hank about some of our umpiring problems.

We discussed the safety of Darryl Jelnick playing with his health problem and decided to discuss with his wife at the end of this season.

The next meeting was set for March 19, 2020.

 With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:55 PM with a motion made by Wayne and a 2nd by Will with all in favor.


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