Attending were Paul Wilson, Wayne Kopp, Arnie Walker. Mike Kirkby, Ken Krejci, Jack Gjeldum, Will Lowe, Todd Gillenwater and Jack McDonough.
Jack McDonough made a motion, second by Jack Gjeldum all in favor to accept the minutes of the last meeting.
Jack Gjeldum gave the status of our finances and we are in good standing. Paul made a motion, Arnie 2nd and all in favor to approve. We have set the fees for May and June at $20. This will be due May 1. We encourage everyone to use the Pay Pal form of payment on our Web Site.
We discussed the keeping of info in the cloud, with Jack Gjeldum, Wayne and Will having access to make changes. Todd Gillenwater has agreed to accept and help both Will and Russ and be a back up with the software for our information and web site. William will be taking a sabbatical from playing/umpiring until Memorial Day to work on the registration/draft.
Wayne will look into the purchase of a label maker and materials with the info on model number supplied by Will. Ken made a motion, second by Arnie and all in favor to purchase.
Jack McDonough made a motion and second by Arnie and all in favor to make two wooden home plates by Chris O’Rear and test since there was discussion on the use of these wooden plates.
There was discussion on emails sent by Mike Herron, Art Douglas and Dave Freni that there needs to be a rating system put in place for all players to make player subs /replacements. Wayne made a motion, second by Mike Kirkby and all in favor to put Ken as chairman to establish a committee for rating all ball players.
Wayne discussed the changing of the Thursday National League to a Wednesday League or a Friday, but a vote by the league players was to keep at Thursday. Since this was decided, it will be set in the rules that each team must have at least 13 to 14 players next year for both Monday and TNL to abide by this set up. This will possibly reduce the number of teams, but make replacements more manageable for the league coordinators. We also will be changing to a “pay to play” when you register. This also will help in stabilizing the players on the teams when they register to play.
Paul Wilson, after 17 years of dedicated service to the league as a board member has decided to step down. He will continue as the equipment manager and rules committee. We thank you for your many years to make this the league it is.
Ken will talk to two players that have expressed their interest in being on the board.
We are having problems with our Magic Jack Hot Line and Paul Wilson is working on that. Jack Gjeldum will investigate a possible replacement for that system.
The next meeting will be at a later date. The meeting was adjourned at 2:54PM with a motion by Wayne, second by Jack McDonough and all in favor.