Attendees: Wayne Kopp, Mike Kirkby, Arnie Walker, Jack Gjeldum, Dave Boyle, Keith Van Emmerik and David Freni
Meeting called to order 1:07pm.
- Approve minutes of the last meeting.
Dave Boyle motioned to approve and Arnie 2nd. - Discuss the next meeting for rating list w/new players and existing players
The new Rating Committee chair, Keith, agreed to develop an improved player rating process for use by the Rating Committee in the next rating cycle.
Thursday Recreation League will conduct a player draft process, same as the other 3 leagues do.
Considering that subs as well as team players will be required to pay next season, the board agreed to reverse the sub section process. Managers/coordinators will be required to select subs from Sub List 1st and if equivalent rated players are not available, then selections are made from the bye team.
Recreation league managers and the respective league coordinators will determine which one of the them will have responsibility for selecting subs.
Next season, team players will pay $45 and subs will pay $20
Arnie will revise rules in accordance with the above approvals
All managers will be provided copies of the rules.
- Discuss the decision to use .52 balls for the mixed players season Apr-Dec
After considerable discussion about the Apr-Dec play and mix of skill levels in Monday league play, the board decided to table the discussion for future Board meeting. .44 rated balls will continue to be used until a decision is made to change or not. Considering summer heat, beginning May 6th, two changes were approved for play during Recreation season: Games will begin 8:30am No new innings will begin after 11:30am
- Discuss the decision to use .52 balls for the mixed players season Apr-Dec
- Discuss ordering new .52 balls if item 3 approved
Tabled the discussion for future Board meeting. - Discuss the suggestion email Apr 1 on the rules changes
Dave Freni took the action to review rules for content on Code of Conduct. Depending on the findings, Code of Conduct section may be enhanced. - Discuss the administrator for games
May- Wayne; June- Mike; July- Dave F; August- Arnie; September- Keith; October- Jack - Discuss dropping Cell or Land, additional phone #, Full time resident
The following data fields will be removed from the league sign up process:“Cell or Land”, “Other Phone” and “Local” - Discuss putting “B” on shirts of board members
To help identify Board members on the playing fields, the Board agreed to have a “B” added to the front of Board member game shirts - Discuss financial update to board
BSS league is in good financial standing
Board agreed that “League Champs”(in league standings) players will be awarded “2025 League Champs” shirts.
Board agreed to research County Parks and Recreation news letter publication to determine if BSS can be included for publicity.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:55pm