Attending were Paul Wilson, Wayne Kopp, Arnie Walker. William Lowe, Mike Kirkby, Barb Lowe, Jack Gjeldum. Ken Krejci and Jack McDonough were absent.
Jack G. gave the status of our finances and we are in good standing. We have decided to set the fees for the 4th quarter at $30 for Oct/Nov/Dec. Russ Warren will post on the website. We encourage everyone to use the Pay Pal form of payment on our Web.
We discussed the possibility of being able to use the BPF rating of 1.2 and below for our bats. It was decided to have the Rules Committee discuss and make a recommendation to the board. Also, the Committee to discuss the suggestion presented on infielder positioning and get back to the board.
We discussed the restrictions are still in place on our Canadian ballplayers and we don’t know when they will be lifted, so they can return to playing softball.
William presented the liability/waiver form which he revised to incorporate into one sheet for our use in our registration forms. The liability/waiver will be given to the managers to have signed by their players and returned to Will to incorporate in our player info spreadsheet. Players need to sign this waiver every year as well as fill out their registration.
.We discussed the topic of possibly having recreational teams and competitive teams in the pick- up games in Oct thru Dec. The board decided this would be logistically very difficult to accomplish, since we don’t know who will show up each game day.
We need to find out who our sponsors will be for 2022. We will go on the assumption that we may have the same number of teams in our 4 leagues (19 teams).
Mike Kirkby presented the question by a player to supply a league championship shirt or hat. It was decided by the board that this would be difficult because many players have gone back home before the league champion is decided and it would be difficult to get the shirt sizes made and distributed.
William showed us the new board and bag of supplies he has put together for the individual team managers for the upcoming year.
The agenda item presented by Ken on Umpires was tabled for the next meeting. Special thanks was given to Paul Wilson for being the lone umpire for the past week or more due to the absence of Bucky and Hank due to Covid protocol. We have lost Bob McGrath due to Covid with his passing on Monday Sept 13. We will miss his services to BSS. This just stresses the need for everyone to get the Covid shots, for everyone’s protection.
No date was set for the next meeting.
The motion was made by Wayne, second by Mike and all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 11:05am.
Good evening,
My name is Mike Connelly, founder of, and still playing in, the Capital District Over 50 Softball League in Albany, NY. I am 77, retired, and in good, if not excellent, physical shape. Each year, wife and I travel to Bradenton Beach for 4-5 weeks in FL. We are there in 2022 for the entire month of March. While I am there, I am very interested in playing some softball. Are there pick up games an outsider like me can participate in? Willing to pay, of course. Let me know. Average hitter, decent outfielder (won the Silver Glove, one of two awarded by our Manager). Love to play.
We are in leagues in March. Perhaps you can sign up as a sub for March. We also have practices Sat and Sunday that you should attend so we
can get to know you.