2019 Board Meeting Minutes – (10/14/19)

Board Meeting Minutes
Bradenton Senior Softball Association
Oct 14, 2019 12:00pm

Attending were William Lowe, Barb Lowe, Lloyd Grantham, Paul Wilson, Ken Krejci, Arnie Walker, Jack McDonough and Wayne Kopp.
First order of business was to approve the minutes of the last meeting of 9/ 16 /19. Ken made a motion to approve, William second, all in favor.

Barb gave the board the financial statement as of Oct 14, 2019. We are solvent. Since the minutes of our meeting are put on the web site it has been decided to not give the actual figures. If anyone needs this info ask Barb or a board member.
The board discussed the request by Dennis Cohen to have a charity fund raising softball game. The board feels it is not part of our core business to do these events thus we have declined to sponsor any events such as these.
Kenny discussed the situation about the shirts, sponsors, logo’s, plaques and pictures ect. We have decided for this year to allow the sponsors who supply their shirts to do so this year. Next year all sponsors will pay the $150 fee and we will supply the shirts. Since we no longer have Howard to take team pictures, it will be the responsibility of each team manager to have the picture taken with an Iphone and sent to the “to be named coordinator”.
Lloyd to verify how many teams the veterans will have for the Howard Spry Memorial Tournament on November 6, 2019 at Palma Sola. Lloyd has a sign up sheet for the BSS players that want to participate.
William Lowe sent a test registration form to the board members to fill out and return. William to present tentative registration dates for board approval by next meeting. The tentative schedule for the league drafts will possibly be as follows -Thurs American (Competitive Division), Tuesday (Competitive Division), Monday, then Thurs National.
The next meeting will be Nov 11, 2019.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:30PM with a motion made by William, 2nd by Lloyd, with all in favor.

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