Attending were Paul Wilson, Wayne Kopp, Arnie Walker. William Lowe, Jack McDonough, Mike Kirkby, Russ Warren, Barb Lowe, Jack Gjeldum by phone. Ken Krejci was absent.
Barb gave the status of our finances and we are in good standing.
Jack Gjeldum commented on only 11 people have used PayPal. Wayne stated that he would make an effort at each game to have more people transition to using PayPal now that we know it’s working. Russ will change the amount due to $20 on the web site for PayPal, since one month has passed for the new players.
We discussed that we do not need to form a 501-C7 corporation or file a 1024 form for BSS.
Russ has removed Lloyd Granthum from the GoDaddy account and will continue to receive the bills for payment in the future.
Jack McDonough presented two liability forms which he will revise to incorporate into one for our use in our registration form by William in the 2022 season. Wayne made the motion to accept, Arnie 2nd and all were in favor. Wayne will discuss the 1.20 BPR rating of our bats and the need for two replacements on the rules committee with Hank. We will seek two non-board members to fill these positions. We will have further talks by the BOD on the bat rating after Wayne and Hanks discussion.
Wayne will update the spreadsheet while William Lowe is on vacation.
We discussed the topic of leaving the player rating system up to the League Coordinators for the draft, as is, since the more people involved in rating will just cause more difficulty and possible confusion. Arnie made a motion, 2nd by Paul, all in favor.
Jack Gjeldum will notify the bank to remove Lloyd Granthum from the statement mailing list, since we receive the statements electronically. If the bank does require an address, we will use Jack Geldum’s address.
No date was set for the next meeting.
The motion was made by Wayne, second by Arnie and all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 1:05pm.