Attending were Wayne Kopp, Arnie Walker. Mike Kirkby, Jack Gjeldum, Ken Krejci, Dave Freni, Jack McDonough was absent.
The meeting was called to order at 11:56 AM.A motion was made by Mike K, second by Ken K and all in favor to accept the Apr 24, 2023 meeting minutes.
It was decided to leave the starting time at 8:30am until it may need to be changed.
It was noted that Shawn Frey has replaced Andrea as the supervisor at Palma Sola.
The decision to maintain the present “no walk” system was made. We will put it to a vote before the next Monday/Thursday games for the players to decide to keep or change.
We will keep the sponsor fees at $150 and put the shirt size on the registration form to reduce the number of team shirts and thus save some money. If we need to reduce any sponsors this year, we will delete the last new sponsor/sponsors first.
Dave Freni has accepted to take the lead for the rules committee with the departure of Hank Arsanult. The members are Arnie Walker, Paul Wilson, Mark Jackson and Marc During has been added to the committee.
The rating committee consists of Ken Krejci as lead, Mike Kirkby, Keith Van Emerick, Dave Freni and Wayne Kopp.
Jack McDonough said he will be stepping down from the board on September 1, 2023. We want to thank Jack for his many years of dedicated service. He has agreed to maintain the scheduling of team play. Please thank him when you get a chance. Mike Bernardo has said he would be willing to serve on the board as his replacement. Let’s welcome Mike.
Paul Wilson gave a report that the pitching screens do not need any repairs at this time.
Jack G. gave the financial report and we are in good standing.
The next scheduled meeting will be set at a later date.
A motion was made by Dave Freni , 2nd by Mike Kirkby and all in favor to adjourn the meeting at 12:54PM.
Suggest the rules committee take up the following for discussion. I suggest the Thursday competitive league have an open pitch runner rule in league play. This will increase the speed of the game and eliminate runners being thrown out from base hits to the outfield. A pinch runner can only run once per inning and cannot come up in the batting order while pinch running or he is out.
It is each manager’s prerogative to utilize this rule.
Your comments have been passed over to Dave Freni, chair of the rules committee